Ode to Flax
The navigation icons represent the stages of growth, from first seed to full flower, of the flax plant. Flax seed is pressed into linseed oil. Linseed oil is a main ingredient in multiple products at Originate including Marmoleum natural linoleum flooring and Bioshield Cutting Board & Salad Bowl Finish.
The root of our name
Ecological Origin
Origin – beginning, ancestry, source
Original – prototype, novel, inventive, first
Original Materials
Originate – begin, emerge, root, stem
Organic – natural, rooted
Origin of Materials
The Natural Origin
Originate – source – root – seed – sprouting
The Origins of our Materials
Originate: 1. To trace the origin of. 2. To have as a source. 3. To start at the beginning.
Our products are made from natural, renewable, and recycled resources. Plant materials such as sorghum, hemp, sunflower seeds, cork, and bamboo are the base and structure for many products. Other products contain reeds, leaves, and stalks in their finished aesthetics. In addition, responsibly harvested wood and post industrial cotton make up materials on their own.
Products with recycled content including glass, tile, paper, aluminum, plastics (PET, HDPE), and granite that give a second life to materials in order to conserve resources and keep content out of the waste stream.